Jumat, 07 Juli 2017

Facebook Company Ltd

The Netherlands


Dear Winner,

This is to inform you that your facebook online profile post has just WON in the Facebook Lottery Jackpot 2016-2017,which was sponsored and organized by Microsoft, Webmaster Inc and Facebook Officials. Subscribers and few Companies domains were selected and your e-mail

address emerged as one of the Selected Facebook Winner and also the 5th from the 9th beneficiary to gain from this promotion.

*********PRIZES WON**********

One Million, Fifty Thousand United States Dollars [$1,050,000.00 USD] One Facebook Medium Face-Cap Facebook T-Shirt (medium, Blends with Cap) Facebook Shopping Bag (Male Wallet)

Facebook Winning Certificate.

Below are your approved details to claim your winnings.

*********REFERENCE DETAILS***********

Online Ticket Number: 889-026-1319

Serial Number: 101-116-2017

Facebook Winning Number: 31-U20-FL12

To file for your claim, kindly contact our Clearing House Department in charge of your claim by e-mail:

Contact Person: Dr. Karlus Damisa

Claims Manager

Email: dr.karlusdamisa@consultant.com

Yours Truly

Mrs.Linda Seifert

Lottery Co-ordinator.

All right reserved facebook terms.
